
We're here to help!


Sustainability & ESG

As a family business, MONTAPLAST has always felt responsible for creating a sustainable behavior towards humans and the environment. With global challenges increasing, climate change is a topic everywhere. Either our neighboring forrest, rising international crisis, or fast increasing requests on mobility, change is all around us. This is, what keeps us innovative and encourages us to expand our sustainability goals.

Company Report

The first MONTAPLAST report 2022 has been published recently. It highlights already achieved goals and shows further action items as well as future milestones.


A strong company is characterized by clear responsibility, respect, trust and continuous improvement. We want to learn from our mistakes and are therefore establishing a compliance management system.

Regional Commitment

Our social commitment is focused on our roots, thus we mainly support regional initiatives and institutions. In spring 2024, our trainees volunteered to lend a hand at the local daycare center “Kleine Freunde e.V.” in Morsbach. Together, they refurbished a huge sandpit and prepared the ground for a new garden shed. Perfect for safely storing the daycare center's garden tools and creating a great play environment for the children. Many thanks to all the volunteers!.

Social Activities

Stadtradeln 2024!

Will we manage to crack our 10,386 kilometers from 2023 this year?

We definitely think so! Together we can do something for the environment and show how active we are at the same time.

Youth Initiatives

We are also involved in initiatives throughout the year, particularly for young people. These include, for example, “Kein Abschluss ohne Anschluss (KAoA)” by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, career guidance for school pupils, our cooperation with the Leonardo da Vinci School in Morsbach and our regular participation in Girl's Day.

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Would you like to learn more about school projects, Girl's Day or other activities?
Please contact us!


MONTAPLAST is participating in the UN Global Compact initiative. An initiative for companies to align strategies and operations with principles for human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, and to take actions that advance societal goals.

For the employees of MONTAPLAST, acomplishing the ten principles of the UN Global Compact is not a task but our commitment. Caring for human rights as well as corruption prevention is our second nature and our labor standards are on the highest level.

Thus, the use of advanced techniques is an investment for the future. We live up to this in all 4 production areas, as the following examples show.


More lightweight, more efficient, more innovative: thanks to our light weight plastic solutions, weight and therefore emissions are reduced


Regardless of the transmission: MONTAPLAST engine solutions reduce fuel consumption and threfore CO2 emissions thanks to their low weight and optimum air distribution.


Resource-saving painting: starting in 2002 we finish our plastic parts with water-based paint systems to become more environmetally friendly. Our advantage: less impact on the environment due to reduced solvents. Since then, the coatings used have been continuously optimized in order to reduce paint sludge, for example.


Our direct connecting techniques for components in the interior area save adhesives.